Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Studying Abroad

I agree with Kat that it is a very enticing opportunity that would benefit a person but I also feel that studying abroad isn’t for everyone. Studying abroad is a great experience to become more cultured and learn about a society that is completely different from your own. Also studying abroad can help develop a foreign language and allow you try to fully dive into the culture, but to me studying abroad isn’t the right call for everyone. There are many people who academically can’t afford to spend a semester abroad and away from their normal course of study. Here at Furman I feel we are given an exceptional opportunity where lots of different experiences are offered but other schools aren’t as lucky. If someone wants to become a doctor and graduate in 3 years to follow their life plan, spending a semester in Spain won’t help. Also most college students don’t need to go abroad to test their independence and financial managerial skills. Being away form home in its own right can be very challenging for some and is the first real taste of the real world. Lastly people have to give up a lot in order to go away. Sometimes they give up comfort and friends and go in blind without knowing anyone or the language. It is a gamble that doesn’t pay off for everyone but some strike it rich and have the experience of a lifetime. Studying abroad is something that I think can be very beneficial if one’s plan allows for it. I am personally enjoy traveling and having the opportunity to spend an entire semester in a foreign country excites me but I don’t think I’ll take advantage of the opportunity. 

1 comment:

  1. I had a great experience, so I tend to be much more positive on the experience--maybe much more positive that I should be. You are right about it really being a gamble. When I look back on my experience, it was great precisely because of the friends I made. Without those connections, would it have been the same? And could I have not made those connections taking trips around the US instead? Your post really makes me wonder if I could not have done so, and I think you may be right.
