Sunday, April 19, 2015

Response to Abortion

As for the topic of abortion I don’t have a very strong opinion either way but the way that Daniel addresses this topic is very interesting. First I believe that people do make mistakes in todays day in age so it shouldn’t be banned outright but it shouldn’t be given out at will for those that are consistently careless. Recreational sex is a very prominent thing and sometimes mistakes happen and contraception aren’t always effective. That being said I don’t think abortions should be allowed after entering the third trimester or in the late stages of the second trimester. At that point I believe the fetus is too far into development and it would be taking away life at that point. Now to address the point that Daniel was making in his post about equality.

            Many times abortion is looked at solely from the “right to life” standpoint and never examined from the standpoint of the mothers and fathers. The parents are the one that gave the child the opportunity to grow and if they don’t feel like they are in the correct circumstance to support the child then they should have the ability to get an abortion. The last thing the United States needs is for unfit parents to have children and have orphanages be over populated. Hopefully both partners are able to agree on having a child or having an abortion but when the two are in a disagreement that’s when equality becomes tricky. If one member wants an abortion but the other doesn’t, what should be allowed. For most an initial reaction would be to allow the woman to make the decision since she would be the one carrying the child and giving birth but that leaves out the opinion of the man who had equal part in conception. It can also be seen to be unfair to force a women to carry through a pregnancy if she doesn’t feel fit to raise the child and qualifies for an abortion. I personally believe it should be up to the mother to have the final say. It is her body that goes through the transformations and will have to deliver the baby when its due. In a perfect society if people are partaking in such activities they should be willing to deal with the consequences and I feel it is completely unacceptable for a man to part ways if he wants an abortion but the female does not. Equality is important but a woman’s feelings should be put slightly ahead of males in terms of pregnancies.

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